Sunday, June 08, 2008

Room renovation

While I was away few weeks ago... just like Discovery Living Channel "While You Were Away" hehe...

Mark came around and did few things to my bedroom.

This is how it looks like before


And this is how's looking now!


This is the boring before...


And this is what it is like now!


Also fixed was more power sockets into the room, so as to prevent wires running all over the floor. That is just plain dangerous.

Now I can really call this rooms a cozy one. Still have this light now installed. Thinking of positioning them as a down light right above the computer monitor.

Thanks for Dinner... SMOOCH

After our disastrous pasta night out at Pasta de Gohan, it is not hard to imagine we've got to make things right.

Mark invited me to come around for a nice spaghetti last night. I always know he cooks very well, right from when we first met, he use to cook the Swedish meat ball with a family traditional recipe he got from a close Swedish friends many many years ago (gosh, I just miss that mashed potatoes with Edam cheese and fried chopped garlic), right till sometime ago when he cooked with stuffs we got from Cameron Highlands


When I was in Hobart Tasmania disturbing him, he cooked me a nice piece of steak Diane that till now I am finding that lovely taste so hard to forget


Sometimes he will spoil me with this Pina Colada (Mark's recipe of course)


So, this was what he cook for me this round...


Grilled chicken salad with mustard seed vinegar olive oil dressing. YUM!

Seafood marinara with cream sauce spaghetti, also loaded in with fresh sliced mushrooms and sun dried tomatoes

What more can I ask for, they are just so tasty and satisfying. We finished them off while watching final few episodes of Desperate Housewives season 4. I call this a nice good time spent together as a couple. I just feel such lousy cook myself really, but who cares, I will continue to look forward for more his pasta, stews, cookies, cakes, mash, meatballs... :P

Pasta de Gohan - Sunway Pyramid - BIG DISAPPOINMENT

After reading a few rather encouraging blog, Mark and I decided that we should have a try at this place.

Looking good from outside, we straight away feel rather hungry with so many types of pasta models fitted on the store window...

After we sat down, we were presented with this menu that seemed too many choices!!!

And more of the menu are here at their website:

So Mark decided to order himself this cream salmon with spinach in fettuccine while I settled in with tomato cream chicken mushroom with fettuccine as well. On top of that we see the portion seemed quite small and decided to have a sausage and egg plant pizza regular size.

Our meal came and looking terribly pathetic, both in quality and quantity, as relative to the price that they are charging!!

I mean, the portion is so small for the price they are charging! It took us less than 5 minute before we finished everything but still finding ourselves terribly hungry. It is not only that... the salmon in Mark's order, are cubed cutely, but tasting so so fishy. That usually means the fish is not fresh at all! Sigh... My chicken is no better as well... not well marinated and tasted like put together only when ordered... instead of having cook when ordered!


Our pizza... being charged at a price of RM24.80.


I expected something more than just a 2mm thick crust with miserable SPAM-like pork topping, surplus with that aubergine that looks like was a reject from the morning market.

For a disappointing meal, we pay RM83.25 and after that we went to Old Town coffee shop for nasi lemak to make things up.


No thanks, but I will never go to Pasta de Gohan again. Pizzahut~ I will never leave you again, erm and Dominos too!!!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


连载:伤心咖啡店之歌 作者:(台湾)朱少麟 出版社:作家出版社


   “对,领域动物。像豹子撕抓树干,像狼群遗留体味,用原始的方法标示出它们的领土。领土之内,惟我独尊,不容外物入侵,领土之外,在领域动物的知觉中, 一片杀机,一片荒凉。人就是领域动物,可惜社会化了以后的人,必须依赖群聚的生活,那占有领域的冲动,只有转而在其他的方向去满足。”
   “你看看台北人,忙了一辈子,追求的是什么?不过是闯出一片属于自己的地盘。人太多,土地太少,领域的度量衡变成了钱。大家穷其一生赚取金钱,好划下在 社会中的地盘。财富多的,领域充裕,志得意满不怕进退失所;财富少的,仰人鼻息仓仓皇皇,如同无地自容的孤兽。人群越拥挤的地方,追求财富的欲望越明显, 只因为那求取地盘的欲望越迫切。赚钱机器,人最后变成了赚钱机器,被自己的领域欲望所驱动,身不由己。看到了这片空旷宽裕,勾起了人心底最原始的记忆,在 一片可以伸展野性的土地上,不必被侵犯,不劳去争夺,所以非常安详,停止了生活,开始了存在。谁不需要这种感受?”
   海安侧过脸看马蒂,他的面庞奢侈地展示在马蒂眼前。马蒂喜欢他鞭子一样的双眉,还有他褶痕深秀的明朗眼眸。拥有深邃明眸的男人总让人觉得失之美丽,不够 男性化与刚强,但海安的眉眼是这么地放肆舒展,恰到好处,兼具阴性美与阳刚,还有他髭须微现的匀称下颔,线条美好的唇。马蒂想,海安面容之美好,狂妄得不 似人间。
   “你想说什么却说不出口?你抛不开这里的生活?你想说我们从小被教养成社会机器中的一环,一个螺丝钉,脱离这个生命体你就失去了所有依据?你想说从读书 开始到大学毕业你已经融入台北,在台北落地生根是条不归路,结果变成了放弃台北也是条渺茫的不归路?你害怕一旦放手,万一后悔了却回不了头?你不想跟旁人 比赛,可是整个生活本来就是一场疯狂的竞跑,你不跑了又不甘心做个落队的人?”
  “我,马蒂……今年二十九岁,没有一年过的是我想要的生活,我花了目前生命的三分之 二在读教科书,我很孤独,那是因为我从小没有家,个性又内向,我很爱幻想,可是又好像太懒,我有满腔的柔情,可是不知道该去爱谁。我现在又上班了,可是上 班好像让我更茫然,我害怕做一个作息刻板的上班族做到退休,我想找机会脱离这种生活。我要什么生活呢?我要的也不太多,就是自由吧?比如说,今天天气这么 好,有阳光,我就想去指南山上走走,不用去向别人请假,得到准假后才去自由走走。对,不用向别人请假的生活。我很想做

   “问题还是一样,你太在乎别人的认同了。当你说你不自由时,不是指你失去了做什么的自由,而是你想做的事得不到别人足够的认同,那带给你精神上或道德上 的压力,于是你觉得被压迫,被妨碍,被剥夺。马蒂,翅膀长在你的肩上,太在乎别人对于飞行姿势的批评,所以你飞不起来。”
   “很好,你读了些书了。在这个世界上,有政治上的奴隶,有法律上的奴隶,也有价值观或道德上的奴隶,看你要做哪一种。没有真正完全的自由,除非你不存在 于社会,可是没有社会就不会有现在的你。我所说的放纵的自由,主要是从你被灌注的价值观、人生观上的解放,这是你的生命,社会滋养你,现在够了,开始切断 社会对你的脐带,专心尽情地做你自己。”


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