Monday, April 17, 2006

A Secret Garden in Penang

This place probably is much known to many Penangnites (I think that is what they called themselves!). But most people from KL doesn't really give much thoughts about visiting this secret place.

The Penang Aquarium
Run by the Fishery Research Institute

Me on the other hand, decided to bring Chui Li to this piece of undiscovered Jewel. I always feel upset when I was being pushed away when going to those big commercial aquarium. I mean, you will never get enough time for yourself to look at those fishes because the flow within the exhibition area doesn't allow that!

Hey, you are not suppose to disturb the turtle like this! :-)

The Penang Akuarium is a very small one, by comparison to those around the SEA region (namely the Singapore Under waterworld and the Langkawi Underworld. Besides, what do you really expect to get for RM5 entrance fee only? Not a whole lot, but good enough for a more upclose and personal experience mostly.

More turtles

Where the turtles housed at

A koi pond outside the main aquarium building

Feeding time!

To get there:

The Aquarium of the Fisheries Research Institute
11960 Batu Maung, Pulau Pinang
Tel: 04-626 3925 / 6 ? Fax: 04-626 2210

Admission fee:
RM5 for adults
RM2 for children from 7 to 12 years
RM1.50 per head for school groups
There is no charge for children below 7

*close on Wednesday

More information can be found here
Fisheries aquarium ? keeping the seas alive for our children's children (by Tourism Penang)

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